5 Full Body Toning Exercises For Your Second Trimester


Congratulations! You are just about half way through your pregnancy. The second trimester is my favorite. 

In all three of my pregnancies, it brings a lot more energy and excitement once you start feeling those first little flutter kicks. 

If you have been struggling to stick with your workouts during your first trimester, that’s okay! Now is a great time to start. 

Just make sure you listen to your body and of course, always run it by your doctor before beginning any prenatal workout routine. 

Related: 20 Expert Tips For a Fit and Healthy Pregnancy


The Workout

This full body second trimester workout focuses on strengthening your shoulders, back and chest while incorporating full body movements that will also get your heart rate and blood flowing. 

Speaking of blood flow. Did you know studies have shown that the placentas of women who exercise during pregnancy grow faster and function better than those of who are healthy but don’t exercise. (Clapp, 2002) The increase in blood flow from exercise is very beneficial for the growth and function of the placenta. 

New studies have shown that children of mothers who exercise during pregnancy have better memories and higher scores on intelligence and language tests.

Need more motivation?

As your pregnancy progresses and your baby begins to grow more rapidly, staying active and strong becomes more important than ever to help reduce aches and pains as well as boost energy. 

Mamas who stay active during pregnancy have a lower risk of pregnancy related complications including gestational diabetes, pregnancy induced high blood pressure, and excess weight gain. They also have fewer aches and pains, more energy and quicker recoveries. 

So let’s get moving! 

For this workout, complete the number of repetitions listed for each exercise. Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. 

5 Second Trimester Exercises To Work Your Entire Body

These exercises are prenatal safe. However, always speak with your health care provider before your begin or continue your prenatal workout routine.

As always, I am only one email away from helping you reach your goals! Please never hesitate to reach out. 


Second trimester pregnancy workout


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