Week 30: Fit Pregnancy Update
Week 30
I am mind blown that we are in week 30 already! This pregnancy has definitely gone by much faster than my first however not feeling quite fast enough at times. I would by lying if I said I wasn’t a little sad the days of just my daughter and I are coming to an end. Some days I really struggle with imagining how it is going to be when my time and attention is divided between two babies but I look forward to our family growing.
Exercising to help cope with pregnancy anxiety
I have been affected by anxiety much more these past couple weeks. Lack of sleep, an achy body and my workouts not going as planned definitely does not help. Many women suffer from hormonal imbalances during pregnancy or postpartum that cause either anxiety, depression or both. I am a firm believer that exercise is the most effective and natural way to help cope with these feelings. I know first hand how hard it is to even think about exercising when you are feeling anxious or unhappy. However, finding that little push to exercise will make a HUGE difference in how you feel overall. Getting a good workout session in has helped me recover from a bad mood on multiple occasions!
Todays Date: 03/07/2017
How many weeks are you: 30
What trimester are you in: THIRD!! YAY!
How big is the baby: Size of a Cantaloup
Weight Gain: 17-18 pounds, the weight gain is definitely getting more rapid!
Food Cravings: Still cereal
Food Aversions: A lot of food aversions lately, especially eggs
Gender: GIRL!!!
Diet: Sticking to the same eating schedule however I find myself snacking a little more and more.
Small piece of toast with peanut butter right when I wake up
A few hours later is usually:
Protein Shake with Banana and Peanut Butter
Eggs, avocado and a banana
Chicken breast
Vegetable like butternut squash
A few almonds or avocado
A protein and a huge salad or other vegetable.
I love butternut squash with coconut oil and salt.
Lara Bars
Protein Shake with banana
Carrots or Pop Chips and Hummus
Pistachios or almonds
Popcorn (I love the black pepper Skinny Pop popcorn)
Suja Juice
Rice Krispies
Weekly splurge: My husband and I celebrated our birthdays with Italian food. He had Gnocchi and I enjoyed a huge salmon salad. We split bread pudding with extra whip cream for dessert! It was worth every calorie!
Exercise: Squeezing in my workouts this week was tough. Between not feeling 100% and having family obligations, I was only able to exercise 3 days. I chose two full body workouts and one cardio day. Here is one day of exercises I did:
Aches and Pains: My stomach has still been giving me a lot of trouble. Certain foods trigger the pain more than others but it seems like high fiber foods really don’t agree with me. I also have a lot of pelvic pain.
Have you felt the baby move: Yes, some days more than others.
Labor signs: A lot of Braxton Hicks
Maternity clothes: Still not many maternity clothes. I am in an awkward stage of maternity clothes not fitting well but regular clothes not being comfortable either.
Sleep/Dreams: Sleep has been horrible. A couple nights this week I saw every hour on the clock.
Favorite moment of the week: My husband and I celebrating our birthdays with good food and family.
Looking forward to: Enjoying these next 10 weeks with my daughter before baby number two arrives.

Brooke is a certified Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise Specialist with a Bachelors of Science degree in Kinesiology-Exercise Science. She is also a mom of 3 girls with more than 15 years of experience in health and fitness. Brooke’s goal at Struggles of a Fit Mom is to help motivate, educate and inspire other busy mamas who struggle with finding time, energy and motivation to take care of themselves in the chaos of motherhood.